If the order is mistakenly shipped, we may advise the customer to return the item in an unopened condition and we will refund the customer. If an item's description contains an error such as incorrect photo, price, accessory or description and a customer makes the order, we will not process the order without first contacting the customer. In the event that we cancel an order we will not charge the customer's credit card or we will refund the money. We reserve the right to refuse any order including but not limited to orders for items with errors in the description or price. We do not guarantee that titles, descriptions, pictures or prices on our site are error-free. Occasionally an item may appear on the site by mistake or the item's description may contain a typographical error. Tracking numbers are available for items shipped via UPS and FedEx. All orders are shipped promptly from our warehouse or in-store inventory within 3 - 10 business days** using UPS, FedEx, or USPS. Product availability is not guaranteed and is subject to change. The customer is responsible for shipping charges both ways on returns, as well as for shipping charges on shipments that are refused. The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers limited tracking capabilities and that there is a 30-calendar-day waiting period before USPS will initiate a trace.
If you chose not to use a carrier that offers tracking and insure or declare the full value of the product, you will be responsible for any loss or damage to the product during shipping.
NOTE: We recommend that you use a carrier that offers shipment tracking for all returns, and either insure your package for safe return or declare the full value of the shipment so that you are protected if the shipment is lost or damaged in transit. Products sold "as is" or "used" or that have been installed or used after receipt. Special orders and products that are custom configured to your specifications.Ģ. Please note that we do not permit the return of the following products:ġ.
If the item is not returned with the original packaging, you may be subject to up to a 15% restocking fee based on evaluation.
All products must be packed in the original packaging, including any accessories, manuals, documentation and registration that shipped with the product. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) request within 30 business days of the receipt of the product.